Mood Gardens are therapeutic spaces created on your property (yard, patio, balcony, etc) tailored to a particular emotional healing goal. It creates an opportunity to participate in small-scale horticulture therapy activities we develop specifically to fit your needs. Process grief, honor a memory, find moments of calmness, improve focus, or boost your mood; plants heal. We will incorporate features like scent, color, texture, and can even add sound. I'll do the heavy lifting & clean-up, but we will plant together and talk about what's been ailing you.
The care you put into the Mood Garden in the weeks to come is the main ingredient that a Mood Garden has to offer over talk therapy. It's that act of tending, trimming, watering -- caring -- for another living thing that stokes altruism and builds empathy while allowing the natural elements of plants to teach and heal. Plants can teach us patience, resilience, pride, how to better handle failure, and how to cherish success. It allows us to get out of our racing thoughts and feel more grounded.

No yard? No problem. Mood Gardens can be various sizes of raised beds or containers. Mood Gardens can even be indoors with houseplants!